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Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General: Assessment of Employee Views and Engagement

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Commerce (the Department) seeks to improve management, strengthen integrity and accountability, investigate and deter fraud, and ensure the most efficient, effective, and economical use of resources. The missions and programs of each of the Department’s twelve bureaus are diverse, and they have varying levels and types of risk inherent in their operations. The OIG is required by statute to semi-annually report on the top management challenges for the bureaus and across the Department.

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View Project Summary

Project Description

The Department’s OIG contracted with the Academy to conduct an independent assessment of employee views and engagement, as well as assist in creating an action plan for improving the working climate. The project used the 2019 FEVS results as a starting point. Outreach to staff and leaderships focused on identifying opportunities to strengthen the agency’s employee performance management and engagement, as per the President’s Management Agenda.

The assessment was conducted via a multipronged approach including; analysis of FEVS results, a survey across office staff to measure OIG’s organization and work environment, interviews with staff across departments within OIG, and focus groups of different sets of OIG staff. At the end of the assessment, the Academy facilitated the development of an action plan with OIG leaders. The Academy conducted the work over a period of eight months under the guidance of an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) of Academy Fellows.


If you have any questions or comments regarding the study, please contact, Brenna Isman, Director of Academy Studies, at (202) 204-3625 or

Study Fellows