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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Solving Public Management Challenges

Through Independent Thought Leadership and In-Depth Analysis

Who We Are

Established in 1967, the Academy responds to requests for assistance from Congress; federal agencies; and state, local, and international government entities on issues of importance. As a Congressionally-chartered non-partisan 501(c)3 nonprofit, we also provide thought leadership that advances the field of public administration through the work of our research staff and nearly 1,000 elected Fellows.

How The Academy Can Help You

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What We Do

The Academy provides a full range of advisory services to government organizations at all levels.


Latest Updates

The Academy would like to bring your attention to the following resources and announcements:

Election 2024: What does Good Government look like?

Prior to Election Day, we’re sharing our experiences through videos, podcasts, and a variety of papers, studies, and informational one-sheets that we believe can cut through the noise and help people see the value of good, effective government. To us, the value of an honest, trustworthy, and accountable government is clear.

NEW: Modern Climate Adaptation Governance and Financing Strategies

The magnitude and scope of climate change response necessitate partnerships across local, state, and federal governments. This report focuses on local-level climate-change impact and options that local governments can leverage to create a wide range of possibilities for collaboratively addressing the issue.

Pioneering Solutions: Student Grand Challenge Memo Competition

This year, the National Academy of Public Administration is partnering with the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (ASPIA) and the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) to offer a competition that gives graduate students the opportunity to propose solutions to one of the 12 Grand Challenges of Public Administration.