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National Association of State Budget Officers: State-IRS Coordination for Disaster Tax Extensions (In Progress)



The Internal Revenue Service {IRS) provides automatic 60-day extensions for filing most tax returns after federal emergency or major disaster declarations. The extension also applies to payroll withholding and estimated payments. IRS policy is to provide a 120-day extension in these circumstances. While automatic extensions are fiscally challenging for states, unexpected additional extensions compound the strain. In addition to creating a cash flow problem, the filing delays mean states do not have sufficient data on which to base state revenue forecasts.


The Academy will conduct comprehensive research and analysis to examine how disaster declarations affect tax extension periods in states and the IRS decision-making process in determining the extension duration. The objective of this engagement is to improve state and IRS coordination, communication, and decision making.

A final report will be completed in October 2024.

Click the button below to view the Project Overview.

Project Overview