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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Integrating Community Development Block Grant Performance Measures into Integrated Disbursement and Information System

The Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG), administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), awards funds to cities, counties and states on a formula-driven basis.

HUD is in the process of re-engineering its Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), used by CDBG grantees to report accomplishment data under the program. HUD asked the Academy, as a subcontractor to QED, to offer suggestions for improving IDIS so that community and state performance measures could be electronically analyzed and reported.

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Key Findings

HUD is in the process of re-engineering its Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), used by CDBG grantees to report accomplishment data under the program. HUD asked the Academy, as a subcontractor to QED, to offer suggestions for improving IDIS so that community and state performance measures could be electronically analyzed and reported.


The Academy's Panel believes that HUD’s electronic management information systems and databases previously have created frustration among stakeholders with respect to performance. Specifically, it identified the following problems:

  • It is time consuming and inefficient to input performance data into IDIS.
  • IDIS promotes data input errors and omissions.
  • Data manipulation for reporting purposes is limited and inflexible.
  • IDIS does not allow full data transfer across systems, making data duplicative or redundant.
  • It is costly and time consuming to modify IDIS and Community 2020.
  • IDIS system architecture is outmoded.
  • Managers find IDIS difficult to use, and frustration abounds among HUD staff and grantees.