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Modernizing Public Benefits Delivery: How Innovation Can Deliver Results for Eligible Households and Taxpayers


The United States experienced a massive disruption beginning in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic that forced government agencies at all levels to rethink their basic service delivery models. People urgently needed more services, and centralized, in-person operations were out of the question. The Inertia of “business as usual” was broken.

To that end, the Biden administration has made customer service a priority. Executive Order 14058 directed federal agencies to improve their experience of engaging with the government for services and support, primarily through “modernizing programs, reducing administrative burdens, and piloting new online tools and technologies that can provide a simple, seamless, and secure customer experience”

Project Description

With the support of the Center for Accountability, Management, and Innovation (CAMI), the Academy’s Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships hosted a series of convenings in 2022 to examine the delivery model for public benefits. The meetings brought together researchers, advocates, practitioners, technologists, and public sector associations to develop a vision for a modernized public benefits system and recommend strategies to eliminate obstacles hindering innovation and optimization. This report represents a consensus view of individual participants, but it may not reflect the opinions, beliefs, or positions of individual participants or their organizations.

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