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U.S. Trade and Development Agency FY 2022 Strategic Planning


The Academy supported the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USDTA) by facilitating its annual strategic planning for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. The annual strategic planning meeting brings together all USTDA staff from around the world to think through its annual plans and other objectives.

The Academy assembled a professional study team with experience in facilitation, strategic planning, and organizational assessment to support USTDA in this effort. The Academy study team prepared two parts of virtual, multi-day strategic planning sessions for USTDA. In each phase, the Academy study team developed engaging agendas to allow

Part 1 occurred in November 2021, and Part 2 in December 2021. The first part of the strategic planning allowed USTDA teams to share their accomplishments from the year and their plans for FY 2022. USTDA staff engaged
in robust discussion—both in small groups and as an entire agency—and had the opportunity to ask questions of the presenting teams. The second part of the strategic planning focused on how USTDA can advance the presidential administration's foreign policy agenda and included brainstorming and prioritizing activities, fruitful discussion, and team-building.

The Academy study team provided USTDA with summaries of discussions and key insights from the strategic planning sessions.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this strategic planning effort, please contact, Brenna Isman, Director of Academy Studies (