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United States Agency for International Development Office of Inspector General: Strategic Planning and Human Capital Management

USAID, OIG, USAID OIG, AID, Inspector General

The USAID OIG is responsible for conducting oversight activities and detecting and preventing fraud, waste, abuse, and violations of law in the operations of USAID. The mission of OIG is "to safeguard and strengthen U.S. foreign assistance through timely, relevant, and impactful oversight," and the OIG relies on its program offices, including the Front Office, Audit, Management, and Investigation divisions, to ensure effective mission delivery. The OIG conducts audit and investigative activities in roughly 100 countries across the globe and has offices in 12 locations to support operations.

The Academy conducted an engagement with the USAID OIG that included:

  • SWOT Vision and Values Sessions with Regional and Domestic Offices. The Study Team conducted 90-minute sessions with Asian, African, Latin, Caribbean, and European offices and three 90-minute sessions with domestic offices.
  • OIG Staff Survey. The Study Team circulated an anonymous survey to further validate common themes identified during the SWOT/Vision sessions with staff and leadership. The survey questions asked
    respondents to rank internal factors that may impact mission performance. In addition, respondents provided anecdotal comments to provide additional context.
  • Interviews with Agencies OIG oversees. The Study Team met individually with MCC, IAF, and USAID. The purpose of these not-for-attribution interviews was to get an understanding of their working relationships and interdependencies and identify any opportunities for improvement.
  • Interviews with OIG SMEs. The Study Team interviewed OIG subject matter experts such as the DEIA Program Manager, the Director of Financial Resources, the Human Capital Division Director, and the Director of Strategic Communication for additional operational context.
  • Comparative Research. The Study Team conducted comparative research among peer OIGs to inform promising practices across the oversight community.
  • Draft Strategic Plan and Human Capital Gap Assessment Guidance. The Study Team provided strategic planning and human capital gap assessment best practice guidance to inform leadership decision making.

Click the button below to view the Project Summary.

Project Summary


If you have any questions or comments regarding the study, please contact, Brenna Isman, Director of Academy Studies (

Study Fellows