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Agile Government Network Meeting: How Government Can Transcend Boundaries to Solve Big Problems

June 14, 2023 @ 01:00:00 pm - June 14, 2023 @ 02:30:00 pm
Eastern Time (ET)

The National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) and the IBM Center for the Business of Government are pleased to host the next meeting of the Agile Government Network on June 14, 2023 from 1 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern Time. We will celebrate the recent release of Bridgebuilders: How Government Can Transcend Boundaries to Solve Big Problems by Don Kettl and Bill Eggers.

With a wide range of new complex problems cutting across public and private boundaries, Eggers and Kettl contend that we need a government of bridgebuilders: public managers and leaders who collaborate with partners, both inside and outside government, to get the job done. These leaders manage horizontally, not just vertically, and they are connectors working collaboratively with players who have the assets needed to solve the problems at hand. This indispensable new book identifies the ten core principles of bridgebuilding and offers practical tips on how effective leaders have put each principle to work.

At the June 14th Agile Government Network meeting, Eggers and Kettl will:

  • Provide an overview of their book
  • Discuss the connection to agile government
  • Provide practical advice to current and aspiring leaders at all levels of government
  • Answer your questions

This will be a hybrid event. You can register to participate on Zoom, or attend at the Academy’s newly renovated and reopened offices on 1600 K St, NW, Suite 400.


  • Bill Eggers—Director of the Center for Governmental Insights at Deloitte
  • Don Kettl—Professor Emeritus and Former Dean at the University of Maryland at College Park
  • Terry Gerton—President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Academy of Public Administration
  • Dan Chenok—Executive Director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government
  • G. Ed DeSeve—Executive Coordinator of the Agile Government Network
  • Joe Mitchell—Director of Strategic Initiatives & International Programs at the National Academy of Public Administration


To attend in person, fill out the form

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