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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

James Thurber


James Thurber profile headshot

Distinguished Professor of Government and Director, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, School of Public Affairs, American University. Former Advisor, Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress; Director, Washington Operations, Human Affairs Research Center, Battelle Memorial Institute; Acting Dean, School of Government and Public Administration, American University; President and Chair of the Board, Roll Call Votes, Inc.; Staff Member, Commission on Administrative Review, U.S. House of Representatives; Staff Member, Senate Temporary Select Committee to Study Senate Committee System, U.S. Senate; Legislative Assistant to U.S. Representative James O'Hara; Legislative Assistant to Senator Hubert Humphrey.

History of Employment

Distinguished Professor of Government and Director
Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, School of Public Affairs
American University
Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress
Washington Operations, Human Affairs Research Center
Battelle Memorial Institute
Acting Dean
School of Government and Public Administration
American University
President and Chair of the Board
Roll Call Votes, Inc
Staff Member
Commission on Administrative Review
U.S. House of Representatives
Staff Member
Senate Temporary Select Committee to Study Senate Committee System
U.S. Senate
Legislative Assistant
U.S. Representative James O'Hara
Legislative Assistant
Senator Hubert Humphrey
Primary Sector of Expertise
