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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Beryl Radin


Beryl Radin profile headshot
Beryl A. Radin is an author, researcher and academic. She has taught at Georgetown University, American University, SUNY Albany, and the University of Southern California. She calls herself a pracademic. An elected member of the National Academy of Public Administration, she was the Managing Editor of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory from 2000 to 2005. She created and served as the editor of the Georgetown University Press book series Public Management and Change. Her govern- ment service included two years as a Special Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget of the US Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies and a range of consultancies. Professor Radin has written more than a dozen books and many articles on public policy and public management issues. Much of her work has focused on policy analysis, intergovernmental relationships, and federal management change. Her recent work has focused on comparative policy analysis. Her most recent books are Policy Analysis in the Twenty-First Century: Complexity, Conflict and Cases, as well as the second edition of her book on the history of the policy analysis. Her work has involved experience in Australia, India, Israel, Azerbaijan, Hong Kong, and Canada.

History of Employment

Adjunct Professor
McCourt School of Public Policy and Georgetown Public Policy Institute
Georgetown University
Managing Editor
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Former Scholar-in-Residence
School of Public Affairs
American University
Professor of Government and Public Administration
University of Baltimore
Professor of Public Administration and Policy
Rockefeller College, State University of New York at Albany
Special Advisor and Consultant to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Professor of Public Administration and Director
Washington Public Affairs Center
University of Southern California
Assistant Professor
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
University of Texas at Austin
Primary Sector of Expertise
