Professor Emerita of Public Administration, Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University. Former positions at Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, CSU: Professor and Distinguished Scholar of Public Administration; Albert A. Levin Professor of Urban Studies and Public Service. Former positions at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA: Faculty, Public Administration; Director, Graduate Program in Public Administration. Former Instructor, Washington Management Service, Washington State Department of Personnel; Associate Study Director, Committee on the Future of Public Health, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences; Consultant to Washington, DC Community Health Centers; Director, Plan Implementation and Community Relations, West Texas Health Systems Agency, El Paso, TX; Director of Development, East of the River Health Association, Washington, DC; Director, Anacostia Community Development Consortium, Washington, DC; College Relations Officer, Marymount College of Virginia, Arlington, VA; Project Director, Towson State College, Towson, MD; Executive Secretary/Project Director, Higher Education Council on Urban Affairs, Baltimore.