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Spotlight Report 2021: Strengthen Social and Economic Development

November 03, 2021

November 03, 2021

By an Academy Staff Working Group: Dr. Joseph P. Mitchell III, Jillian McGuffey, and James Higgins

Strengthening Social & Economic Development: Foster Social Equity, Connect Individuals to Meaningful Work, Build Resilient Communities, and Advance the Nation’s Long-Term Fiscal Health

The United States is facing unprecedented stresses as a nation–– ones that ultimately demand collective action, trust, and community-building across the public and private sectors. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country was forced to grapple with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Many members of the community have been living through immense loss, rising unemployment, and housing and food insecurity. As the United States wrestles with these complex issues, it must:

  • Incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into policies and make a more equitable nation;
  • Reduce food insecurity;
  • Provide meaningful work for all Americans;
  • Rebuild intergovernmental relations and resiliency in communities; and
  • Build a stronger fiscal foundation

This spotlight report focuses on the Grand Challenges, Foster Social Equity, Connect Individuals to Meaningful Work, Build Resilient Communities, and Advance the Nation’s Long-Term Fiscal Health. This working paper is a follow-up to the Election 2020 reports produced by Academy Fellows and also documents some illustrative actions underway at the state and local levels. This paper is a work-in-progress that will be expanded upon in 2022, especially through a greater focus on non-federal actions.


Please visit the Election 2020 Homepage for the original action plans.