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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

											 Leadership matters

The Congressional Charter

The Charter set forth the following “objects and purposes” for the Academy:

  1. Evaluating the structure, administration, operation, and program performance of Federal and other governments and government agencies, anticipating, identifying, and analyzing significant problems and suggesting timely corrective action;
  2. Foreseeing and examining critical emerging issues in governance, formulating practical approaches to their resolution.
  3. Assessing the effectiveness, structure, administration, and implications for governance of present or proposed public programs, policies, and processes, recommending specific changes;
  4. Advising on the relationship of Federal, State, regional, and local governments; increasing public officials,’ citizens,’ and scholars’ understanding of requirements and opportunities for sound governance and how these can be effectively met; and
  5. Demonstrating by the conduct of its affairs a commitment to the highest professional standards of ethics and scholarship.
Read the Full Charter