The National Academy of Public Administration’s December 2015 annual meeting raised a number of key issues facing public administrators in coming years. KPMG collaborated with the Academy to highlight some key findings and takeaways from that meeting.
The Academy's 800 Fellows—who include former cabinet officers, Members of Congress, governors, mayors, and state legislators, as well as prominent scholars, business executives, and public administrators—meet annually. The focus of the 2015 meeting was “A Framework to Strengthen Governance.” A series of speakers and panel sessions explored such issues as using data on what works to improve government's performance and efficiency, building a 21st century senior executive service, strengthening local government, using strategic foresight for program planning and management purposes, and protecting America's valuable information assets.
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View ReportConsistent with the meeting’s theme, breakout sessions discussed such specific topics as: – Transition issues facing the next administration – Using data on what works to improve government’s performance and efficiency – Collaboration across boundaries – Social media – Strengthening local government – Building a 21st-century Senior Executive Service – State government transition issues – Using strategic foresight in program planning and management and – Protecting America’s information assets.