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After Yellow Ribbons: Providing Veteran-Centered Services

As part of an effort to help VA improve its service to the new and earlier generation of veterans, Congress asked the National Academy of Public Administration to study the management and organizational challenges facing VA.

Over the last several years, a number of distinguished panels, including a Presidential Commission led by former Senator Robert J. Dole and former Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna E. Shalala, have studied a variety of obstacles to prompt service and timely care for veterans and have made dozens of recommendations for improvement.

Click the button below to view the View Study Report.

View Report

Key Findings

In this report, the National Academy Panel provides practical administrative and management solutions to assist VA in implementing these recommendations and ensuring better outcomes for veterans.


The report recommends actions to improve service to veterans and sustain a process of continual improvement that will last beyond the term of any particular secretary or administration. They are directed to current VA officials, individuals who will assume responsibility for service to veterans in the next Administration, and members of Congress who must provide the required authority, resources, and oversight. It is the National Academy’s intent that the true beneficiaries will be the veterans who have faithfully served their country.

Study Fellows