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Federal Bureau of Prisons; Medical Data Management

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) currently provides healthcare to more than 156,000 inmates in more than 122 prisons (institutions) geographically dispersed throughout the contiguous United States, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. BOP’s Health Services Division (HSD) is responsible for medical, dental, social and psychiatric mental health services provided to Federal inmates in BOP facilities, including health care delivery, infectious disease management, and medical designations. The Reentry Services Division is responsible for inmate health care programs for inmates in community custody and psychologist provided mental health and drug treatment programs. In December 2017, the Government Accountability Office issued a recommendation that BOP improve its data systems so that the financial costs of various treatments could be better tracked and managed. A similar finding was highlighted by the Office of the Inspector General during the same month, expressing that “improved data aggregation will ensure better oversight of the BOP’s health care contracts.”

Click the button below to view the Organizational Assessment.

Organizational Assessment

Click the button below to view the Strategic Planning and Change Management.

Strategic Planning and Change Management

Project Description

The purpose of this project was to identify the best means by which to improve BOP’s data aggregation and improve oversight of its health care contracts. BOP contracted with the National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) to:

  • obtain a report comparing and contrasting the organizational structure of the BOP inmate health care system with the health care systems of at least two other government agencies and one large non-governmental health care system;
  • a report on the Academy’s findings and recommendations on organizational assessment of BOP/HSD’s approach to data analysis and strategic planning; and
  • a communication plan and presentation at the completion of the study for senior leadership, HSD departments, joint departments and staff.

The Academy appointed a five-member Panel of Fellows to oversee the work of the study team, provide guidance on project approach, and issue recommendations. The study concluded in October 2019.


If you have any questions or comments regarding our study panel, please contact Roger Kodat, Program Area Director, at 202-204-3610, or

Study Fellows