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The George Graham Award for Exceptional Service to the Academy

In 2006, the National Academy of Public Administration created the George Graham Award for Exceptional Service to the Academy. This award, named for the National Academy’s first president, recognizes those Fellows who have made a sustained and extraordinary contribution toward the Academy becoming a stronger and more respected organization.

The George Graham Award for Exceptional Service to the Academy was inaugurated in 2007. Previous recipients of the award are George Graham, James Webb, Phil Rutledge, Elmer Staats, Alan Dean, Dwight Ink, Howard Messner, Dolph Norton, Dick Wegman, George Frederickson, Jonathan Howes, Herb Jasper, Chet Newland, Enid Beaumont, Bill Hansell, Roz Kleeman, Sy Murray, Diane Disney, Paul Posner, Dick Thornburgh, Dan Skoler, Jonathan Breul, Thomas Stanton, Mortimer Downey, III, Blue Wooldridge, Myra Shiplett, G. Edward DeSeve, Arnold Fields and David S.C. Chu. We anticipate the presentation of the award to occur in conjunction with our Fall Meeting in November.

Award Eligibility and Nominations

Board guidance stipulates that current Board members are not eligible for the award.

The George Graham Award Committee assesses service to the Academy in terms of contributions such as dedicated time as a committee member, study or standing panel members, former Board member, actively involved in bringing programs or funds to the Academy and more.

When the nominee has also worked at the Academy as a staff member, only that service that exceeds the official duties in their role as a member of the Academy Staff will be assessed in consideration for the award.

There is no limit on the number of Fellows you may nominate, but five or more Fellows must endorse each nomination. It is the nominator’s responsibility to secure these endorsements and to provide a statement that describes the special contributions that the nominee has made to the Academy. Please submit your nomination statement including the names of the five Fellows who endorse the nomination to Kaitlyn Blume,, by May 31, 2024.

Contact Information

Kaitlyn Blume -
Director of Fellow Engagement

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