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Academy 2017 Fall Meeting

November 16, 2017 @ 12:00:00 am - November 17, 2017 @ 12:00:00 am
Eastern Time (ET)

Fall Meeting: Governing Across the Divide

Plenary Session

Building Human Resource Capacity in an Intergovernmental System.

  • This session discussed the sharing of tacit intelligence/experience among leaders to improve decision-making in government.
  • Panelists included: Ronald Sanders, Don Kettl, Anita Blair, and Angela Bailey

Concurrent Sessions

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Government

  • Panelists included: John Kamensky, Robert Behn, Tim Paydos, James Hendler, and David Bray.

Social Equity and Emergency Management Responses

  • Panelists included: Blue Wooldridge, Beverely Cigler, Kathryn Larin, Mark Lindhahl, and Dee Dee Bennett





The Changing Role of States--Focuses on Environmental and Healthcare Policies

  • This session examined the changing role of state governments in the U.S. intergovernmental system, with a focus on the environmental and healthcare policy challenges facing states. It was a recap of the Academy's first Governing Across the Divide event.
  • Panelists included: Jack Knott, Sandra Archibald, Greg Devereaux, and Mark Pisano

2018 Major Tech Trends Forecast and Impact on Government and Leadership

  • Panelists included: Alan Shark, Douglas Robinson, and Curtis Clark.





International Perspectives on Public Administration in the 21st Century: Current and Future Challenges

  • Panelists included: Arnold Fields, Sy Murray, Eloy Oliveira, Francisco Gaetani, Patrick Kennedy, Xu Zhengzhong, and Zhong Kaibin.



The Future of Citizenship and Public Service

  • Public service has been severely challenged by several long-term trends, which have been well documented: declining public trust in government, political polarization, difficulty in recruitment and preparation of a high-quality workforce, low morale, negative press coverage (including high-profile failures, such as the VA and Flint, MI), demands for greater transparency, and low public esteem. Many observers have described public service as being in a state of crisis.
  • Panelists included: David Van Slyke, Tina Nabatchi, Sean O'Keefe, and Dustin Brown.

Disaster Response: An Intergovernmental Challenge

  • The nation will face a number of serious challenges in the months and years ahead. Many of those challenges will arise as the administration and Congress work to address critical issues such as infrastructure, health care, climate change, education, workforce participation, and economic development. They will likely be further impacted as congress seeks to implement President Trump’s agenda aimed at reducing the size and scope of the role of the federal government. These dynamics are forging a transformation in the intergovernmental system, creating an opportunity for Academy Fellows from all the levels of government to provide insights assisting in this redefinition. A prime candidate to begin this discussion is the capacity of the intergovernmental system to address natural and manmade disasters besieging the nation. Today’s session is designed to focus attention on the issues that must be addressed across the three-level of government are facing these disasters and on the potential barriers to the cooperation and collaboration that effective solutions will require The goal is to identify ways and means that the panel and the Academy and its Fellows can assist in removing those barriers. Using this discussion as a starting point the Intergovernmental Panel is working to provide input to the New Congressional Task Force on Intergovernmental Relations and the Administration on the transformation that is underway.
  • Panelists included: Mark Pisano, Carl W. Stenberg, Beverly Cigler, Greg Devereaux, William Gregory Burel, and Barry Van Lare.

Governing Infrastructure

  • How well does our intergovernmental system work to make sure the critical infrastructure lifelines of transportation, energy, water, and communications are, and remain, reliable? This session identifies best practices at the state and community government levels.
  • Panelists included: William Shields, Tom Downs, Mortimer Downey, and Stanley Czerwinski

The Elmer B. Staats Lecture

  • The Lecture Program honors Elmer B. Staats, whose exemplary contribution to government serves as a standard. Mr. Staats' long and distinguished career was capped by his service as Comptroller General of the United States.
  • The Lecture was given by Tim Horne, Acting Administrator of the General Services Administration and Federal Transition Coordinator.


The James E. Webb Lecture

  • The Webb Lecture Program honors James E. Webb. Mr. Webb’s career, capped by his exemplary contributions as director of the Bureau of the Budget and Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, serves as a standard for those who want to improve and strengthen the capacities and performance of government. The Lecture Program is sponsored by the Academy’s Fund for Excellence in Public Administration, through a generous grant from the Kerr Foundation. The annual lecture is presented by a distinguished American.
  • Keynote Speakers: Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter, Bishop William Lawrence University Professor, Harvard University
  • Listen to their lecture here.


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