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Taking on the Heat with Tech: How Our Cities Are Responding

October 21, 2022 @ 10:00:00 am - October 21, 2022 @ 11:30:00 am
Eastern Time (ET)

The heat is on. Heat alone causes more death than any other weather event. Our air, land, and water are heating up resulting in dramatic weather patterns cause a whole host of extreme weather events; extreme flooding in some parts of our nation, and the world, severe drought in others. Dwindling water resources threaten our ability to produce crops, and as well as provide the necessary water for power plants that rely on water for cooling or steam generated power. The increasing heat may threaten our very way of life and have world-wide national security implications. We are already behind schedule if we do not want things to get worse. Many government leaders are leading the way in developing action plans designed to mitigate, and ideally, eliminate the consequences of a warming world.

The Standing Panel on Technology Leadership and the Standing Panel on International Affairs present the first in a series addressing technology, policy, and ways we can address the growing problem of heat and consequences including climate change, and extreme weather events.

In this session, we hear from four experts address the critical issue of rising heat in cities. Leadership is required across all segments of society to identify and leverage a wide variety of tools to measure, map, predict, plan, and respond. Our panelists include expertise from the City of Phoenix, NOAA, the University at Albany’s Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, and a principal researcher of the NAPA (US) sponsored Australia/China/US climate adaptation project for an international perspective. All will speak to how employing technology, among other tools, is playing a role in helping to understand and plan for addressing urban heat crises.


The Panelists

Lora Martens

Urban Tree Program Manager, City of Phoenix, Office of Heat Response and Mitigation; Faculty Associate, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Design, and Urban Design program, Design School, Arizona State University

Hunter Jones

Climate and Health Project Manager, Climate Program Office (CPO), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); Founding Member, Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN)

Daniel Guttman

Professor, Tianjin University Law School; Adjunct Professor, Fudan University/London School of Economics Institute for Global Public Policy; Research Fellow, U.S. Asia Law Institute, NYU Law School; Of Counsel, Guttman, Butcher & Brooks; Co-Chair of the Standing Panel on International Affairs

Christopher Thorncroft, PhD

Director, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center and Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York; Director, Center of Excellence in Weather and Climate Analytics and the New York State Mesonet

The Moderator

Alan Shark

Vice President Public Sector Engagement and Executive Director, CompTIA Public Technology Institute (PTI); Associate Professor, George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government; Co-Chair, National Academy of Public Administration’s Standing Panel on Technology Leadership

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