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The Cost Management Collaborative Webinar, co-sponsored with Cherry Bekaert

June 24, 2024 @ 12:00:00 pm - June 24, 2024 @ 01:30:00 pm
Eastern Time (ET)

The National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) identified the need to Advance the Nation’s Long-Term Fiscal Health as one of the 12 Grand Challenges that all levels of government will need to address in the next decade. To help address this Grand Challenge, the Academy is committed to addressing state and local budget issues and challenges and identifying new budgetary process mechanisms at all levels of government that are anticipatory, sustainable, and mission-focused.

The Academy has partnered with Cherry Bekaert to establish the Cost Management Collaborative with the goal of:

  • Bringing together managers to discuss their burning issues around cost management.
  • Highlighting challenges with indirect costs and cost allocation plans.
  • Identifying workable solutions.
  • Providing instructional content from subject matter experts.

This first webinar session of the Cost Management Collaborative will focus on indirect cost allocation plans—these are often underutilized and overlooked, but they have proven to be critical tools in budgeting, strategic planning, and fiscal sustainability. Indirect cost allocation plans reveal the true cost of services the government incurs by calculating both the direct and indirect costs. Awareness of true cost can improve governmental budgeting and fee structures while uncovering revenue challenges. Over time, this knowledge can foster long-term fiscal health.

Join us on June 24, at 12 p.m. ET to learn how to effectively overcome challenges in developing your agency-wide indirect cost allocation plans. Our panelists will share firsthand how they’ve addressed challenges as finance directors and state officials.

The Video Recording

The Panelists

Jennifer Becker

Full Bio

Financial Services Director, City of Burbank, CA

Grace Martinez

Full Bio

Section Director-Financial Reporting, and Operational Accounting, Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) of the San Francisco Bay Area Metro

Carol Kraus

Full bio

Director (ret.), Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit, Governor’s Office of Management and Budget

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