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Sanjay Pandey


Sanjay Pandey profile headshot
Sanjay K. Pandey is Shapiro Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration at Trachtenberg School, The George Washington University. Professor Pandey previously held faculty appointments at Rutgers University and the University of Kansas. Professor Pandey’s scholarship focuses on public policy and public administration, and deals with questions central to leading and managing public organizations. Professor Pandey directed two landmark surveys of public organizations (Phase II and Phase IV of the National Administrative Studies Project). His scholarship has been recognized with numerous awards and his work has been included in leading collections. Two of his co-authored articles are included among the Public Administration Review’s 75 most influential articles (PAR 75 Most Influential Articles; a selection that includes contributions from eminent social scientists including Herbert Simon and Elinor Ostrom). Professor Pandey was awarded the NASPAA/ ASPA Distinguished Research Award in 2013. In 2022, Professor Pandey was honored by Public Management Research Association (PMRA) with the H. George Frederickson Award for Career Contributions to Public Management Research. In 2023, the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) honored Professor Pandey with the Dwight Waldo Award for “outstanding contributions to the professional literature of public administration over an extended career”.

History of Employment

Shapiro Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration
Trachtenberg School
George Washington University
Primary Sector of Expertise
