Former Executive Director for Emergency Preparedness, Management Directorate, Department of Homeland Security; Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary, Management Directorate, Department of Homeland Security; Director & Chair, Board of Directors, Senior Executives Association; Chief Administrative Officer, Management Directorate, Department of Homeland Security; Director, Asset Management, Management Directorate, Department of Homeland Security; Director, Facilities Management and Services Division, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Deputy Associate Director, Operations Support Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Acting Director, Program Assessment and Outreach, Mitigation Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Director, National Dam Safety Program, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Deputy US Fire Administrator, US Fire Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency; Adjunct Lecturer, Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland; Director & Chair, Board of Directors, GSA Federal Credit Union; Chief Fire Protection Engineer, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration; Fire Protection Engineer, National Capital Region, General Services Administration; Firefighter, Volunteer, Prince William and Prince Georges Counties
Board Governance, Budget and Finance, Environment/Natural Resources, Government Operations/Innovation, Homeland Security, Infrastructure, Intergovernmental System/Federalism, National Security, Science – Research and Development
Academic Administration, Budgeting and Finance, Change Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Organizational Structure/Design/Development, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, Risk Management