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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Jonathan Cannon


Jonathan Cannon profile headshot

Blaine T. Phillips Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law and Director, Environmental and Land Use Law Program, University of Virginia School of Law. Former Visiting Professor, University of Virginia School of Law. Former positions at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: General Counsel; Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Administrator; Director, Gulf of Mexico Program; Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response; Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response; Deputy Assistant Administrator (Civil), Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring; Deputy General Counsel, Litigation and Regional Operations, Office of General Counsel. Former positions at Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.: Partner; Counsel. Former Law Clerk, Honorable David L. Bazelon, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

History of Employment

Blaine T. Phillips Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law and Director
Environmental and Land Use Law Program
University of Virginia School of Law
Former Visiting Professor
University of Virginia School of Law
General Counsel
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Gulf of Mexico Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Assistant Administrator
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Deputy Assistant Administrator (Civil)
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Deputy General Counsel, Litigation and Regional Operations
Office of General Counsel
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.
Former Law Clerk
Honorable David L. Bazelon
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Primary Sector of Expertise
