Executive Director, Center for Law and Social Policy, Inc. Senior Fellow, The Urban Institute. Former Director of Operations, State of New York; Director, Child and Family Services Agency, District of Columbia; Former positions with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Assistant Secretary for Children and Families; Commissioner, Children, Youth, and Families; and Budget Director for Human Services. Former Director, Programs and Policy, Children's Defense Fund; Lecturer in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Candidate, Massachusetts State Senate; Budget Director, Executive Office of Human Services, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Former positions with Massachusetts Department of Public Welfare: Director, Monthly Income Reporting Pilot Project, and Budget and Management Analyst.
Board Governance, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Economy, Education, Gender Policy, Government Operations/Innovation, Health Care, Immigration, Intergovernmental System/Federalism, Labor/Workforce Training and RecruitmentLabor, Nonprofit/Philanthropy, Poverty, Social Equity, Social Services
Academic Faculty, Academic Research, Advocacy, Budgeting and Finance, Change Management, Intergovernmental, Nonprofit / NGO leadership, State Government, Strategic Planning