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Thomas Kane


Thomas Kane profile headshot
Dr. Kane served in the Department of Justice/Bureau of Prisons (BOP) for over 40 years in multiple senior leadership positions, including Chief of Staff, Assistant Director for 21 years, Deputy Director for 3 years, and Acting Director for two extended periods totaling 30 months under three Attorneys General. Dr. Kane received MA and PhD degrees in psychology from the University at Albany (NY). He is the recipient of significant career recognition including two Meritorious Presidential Rank Awards, the Attorney General's Medallion and the BOP Distinguished Service Medal. He served as a member of the FBI Advisory Policy Board for Criminal Justice Information Services for 20 years, the District of Columbia Sentencing Commission for 17 years, and the BOP Health Services Governing Board for 4 years. Dr. Kane is a member of the American Psychological Association since 1981 and a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration since 2007.

History of Employment

Acting Director
Federal Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice
Deputy Director
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Assistant Director for Information Technology
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Deputy Assistant Director
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Chief of Staff
Office of the Director
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Office of Research and Evaluation
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Senior Research Analyst
Federal Bureau of Prisons
University Instructor: Psychology
University at Albany
Primary Policy Areas

Board Governance, Budget and Finance, Civil Rights and Liberties, Commerce, Criminal Justice/Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Education, Ethics, Federal Hiring and Position Classification , Gender Policy, Government Operations/Innovation, Health Care, Infrastructure, Intergovernmental System/Federalism, Intergovernmental Affairs and Coordination, Labor Relations/Unions, Oversight/Regulation, Science – Basic/Lab , Science – Research and Development

Primary Sector of Expertise


Primary Functions

Academic Faculty, Academic Research, Change Management, Data Analytics, Enterprise Risk Management, Human Capital, Information Technology, Intergovernmental, Organizational Structure/Design/Development, Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation