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October 2021 Meeting of the Agile Government Network

November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021


1:20 - Agile at the Federal Level

2:30 - Current work of the Academy--Joe Mitchell

5:15 - The importance of agile government--Sally Jaggar

9:06 - Impediments and obstacles--Joe Mitchell

10:10 - What leaders can do--James Higgins

17:30 - Q&A and Closing


0:45 - Agile in institutions--Dan Chenok

4:20 - Agile cases at the state and local levels--Sukumar Ganapati

16:48- How education is preparing change agents for agile government--Angela Evans

28:40 Q&A and closing


0:33 Agile around the globe--Ed DeSeve

05:00 - The relationship between government competence and trust--Don Kettl

17:38 - Future actions of the AGN--Ed DeSeve

20:25 - Closing remarks--Joe Mitchell