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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Protect Electoral Integrity Platform

Learn about how you can help protect and strengthen our democracy during this upcoming election cycle and beyond using this collection of events and resources.

In 2019, the National Academy of Public Administration announced its Grand Challenges, beginning with the "Protect Electoral Integrity and Enhance Voter Participation" challenge. Free and fair elections are a core pillar of our democracy, and many elements that hold that pillar together have been under attack in recent years. With elections already underway in 2023 and the 2024 presidential election looming, taking steps to foster free and fair elections is more crucial than ever.

If you are interested in becoming involved but do not know where to start, feel free to use the resources on this page or contact the Elections Working Group.

If you are conducting research in this field, volunteering as a poll worker, or registering people to vote, please reach out to us and share your story! Over the next year, NAPA will be highlighting the contributions its Fellows have made to this Grand Challenge.

Please be on the lookout for upcoming events this fall and beyond, hosted by the Academy and its Fellows.

Call to Action

The National Academy of Public Administration’s Elections Working Group (EWG) is releasing this Call to Action to focus on the Academy’s Grand Challenge: Protect Electoral Integrity and Enhance Voter Participation. Free and fair elections are a core pillar of our democracy, and many elements that hold that pillar together have been under attack in recent years. With elections already underway in 2023 and the 2024 presidential election looming, taking steps to foster free and fair elections is more crucial than ever.




Access previous Academy election-related events and learn more about upcoming sessions.

Government and Election Administration Organizations

Read about the information and support available from governmental agencies and professional election organizations.

Academic and Non-Profit Groups

Learn about and engage with election-focused academic and non-profit organizations.

Management Matters Podcasts

Listen to election-related Management Matters podcasts.

Articles and Additional Resources

Read relevant articles and find additional resources 

If you want to learn more about Academy election initiatives, please get in touch with Miles Murphy (

The National Academy of Public Administration, a nonpartisan, non-political organization chartered under Federal law, provides the information on this page as a public service. None of the information on this page was paid for, financed by, or authorized by any candidate, candidate committee, or any other group or individual other than the National Academy of Public Administration, aka “NAPA,” located at 1600 K Street, N.W. Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20006; The Academy does not endorse any of the content.