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Fellow Spotlight: Michael Barron

Colonel Michael (Mike) J. Barron, U.S. Army, Ret., is the President and CEO of Capitol Hill Connect, LLC. Mike is a Distinguished Military Graduate of the University of San Francisco and a retired United States Army Colonel of Infantry and senior Army Strategist. He served 30 years on active duty in command and leadership positions at all levels from tactical through strategic and is a decorated combat veteran of Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom.

Who or what inspired you to enter public service?

I had several influences both singly and collectively that inspired me to enter public service and make it my career. My Dad, my uncle and later my college Army ROTC Professor of Military Science in college were early public service role models for me. My Dad was an Attorney who served his legal career in public service as a District Attorney in California as well as serving as the Deputy Attorney General for the Territory of Guam for several years.

My uncle was a career professional Army officer and a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam war as was my Army ROTC, PMS, at USF, Lt. Col. Kern W. Dunnigan, who had been awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in combat. I, like my dad, was also educated and influenced by the Jesuits as an undergraduate, and their educational philosophy of service to others left its mark on me.

What advice would you give to those interested in pursuing public policy or public administration as a career?

I think that if you want to have a career that is both challenging, rewarding and provides you with the opportunity to serve in so many ways and to have an impact on people’s lives—a career in public policy and public administration provides it.

What area of public policy interests you the most and why?

Public leadership, National Security, Defense and Foreign policy, Veteran's policy.

What is your favorite cuisine?


What is your favorite hobby or activity that you enjoy doing in your free time?

I have several interests that I enjoy during my free time, these include my family, travel, reading—mostly military and political history and biographies, college and professional sports, swimming, hiking with my two English Springers, biking and riding my Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle.

What was your dream job as a child?

Being an Army officer.

But I did a lot of Scuba diving as a teenager while my parents were living in Guam, particularly on shipwrecks and thought that I might become a Marine Archeologist.

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