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Meet the Academy: Jillian McGuffey

Jillian McGuffey - Senior Research Associate, Strategic Initiatives

What is your role and primary responsibilities at the Academy?

I currently serve as a Senior Research Associate for the Strategic Initiatives Team. In this role, I conduct research for the Grand Challenges in Public Administration campaign, schedule and facilitate the Standing Panels, organize partnership events, and coordinate social media content. I’m on the Intern Programming Team (IPT) and serve on the Academy’s Implementing Meaningful Progress toward Academy Culture Team (IMPACT).

What do you like best about working at the Academy?

The people! Everyone is incredibly kind and willing to help one another. We have so much fun at Academy events and genuinely enjoy working together!

Which of the 12 Grand Challenges in Public Administration resonates the most with you?

As a member of the Strategic Initiatives Team, I find it difficult to answer this question. However, if I had to choose, I would pick Foster Social Equity due to my interest in social policy and the fact that a lack of social equity is core to so many issues we experience. I am also passionate about promoting and ensuring accessibility in our communities, so ensuring equity in our societal systems resonates a lot with me.

Why is public service important to you?

Growing up in the DC metropolitan area and having a father who works at NASA meant that I became aware of the importance of public service from an early age. To me, public service is vital to a society because it is work that exists for the sole purpose of helping the public. When a democracy is functioning properly, the work of public servants is dictated by the will of the people. It exists to serve the public and ensure certain goods and services are provided. No other employer has this exact mission.

What is your favorite hobby or interest outside of the office?

Filmmaking and watching movies! I am in the process of writing and directing my own short film this summer and I often host watch parties of films with friends.

What is your favorite travel destination, either past or future?

Turin, Italy. When I traveled to Italy, Spain, and France in the summer of 2019, I spent a few days in Turin and really enjoyed it. I liked its location; it is close to where a few of my relatives live, and I loved its unique urban and suburban feel. I look forward to going back!

									 Jillian Mc Guffey
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