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Memos to National Leaders Capstone Event

Guest speakers at this May 22nd capstone event included Senator Mark Warner (VA) and the Honorable Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

This culminating publication (click to view) brought together nine memos showcased over the past year:

  1. Strengthening the Federal Budget Process (Chair: Steve Redburn)
  2. Rationalizing the Intergovernmental System (Chair: Allan Rosenbaum)
  3. Strengthening Administrative Leadership (Chair: James Pfiffner)
  4. Strengthening the Federal Workforce (Chair: Steve Condrey)
  5. Reorganization of Government (Chair: Allen Lomax)
  6. Information and Technology and Transparency (Chair: Alan Balutis)
  7. Managing Large-Scale Initiatives (Chair: John Kamensky)
  8. Next Steps in Improving Performance (Chair: Don Moynihan)
  9. Managing Large Task Public-Private Partnerships (Chair: Mark Pisano)
									 Volcker Warner
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