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Media Advisory: National Academy of Public Administration to Host Event on Section 809 Panel Recommendations for Department of Defense Acquisition Process

Post Date: September 05, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Academy of Public Administration will host a September 10th event, Section 809 Panel Recommendations: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Section 809 Panel was created in the FY2016 National Defense Authorization Act and charged with analyzing the acquisition regulations and statutes applicable to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and making recommendations to streamline and improve the defense acquisition process. Although the panel’s mission was DoD-centric, many of its recommendations are applicable governmentwide.

The panel published four reports that contain a total of 98 recommendations to put the defense acquisition system on a war footing. These concepts include both evolutionary and revolutionary recommendations to better leverage innovation in the dynamic marketplace and get capabilities to warfighters faster.

Section 809 Panel Chair David Drabkin and Commissioners Elliott Branch, Allan Burman, and Joseph Dyer will provide an overview of the 809 Panel and its recommendations, followed by a panel discussion of what DoD can do now, how these recommendations might be adopted by other agencies, and how the Congress can be engaged and motivated to adopt the more sweeping, revolutionary recommendations.