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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

National Academy of Public Administration to Host Forum on Government Transformation

Post Date: April 10, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration on April 11 will host a forum called How to Tackle Government Transformation: Finding Common Ground with Your Stakeholders, featuring experts in government management.

As federal government agencies are being asked to streamline and restructure operations in order to improve outcomes and become more efficient in delivering services, many agency leaders are working to drive that transformation by developing best practices and examining lessons learned.

Topics during the forum will include workforce planning strategies in organizations undergoing transformation; best practices for overcoming cultural barriers and managing change in transforming organizations; tips for effectively measuring, evaluating and communicating results of transformation efforts; successfully engaging stakeholders to drive change; the power of effective leadership to drive change; using mission as a motivator to drive change, and finding common ground with stakeholders.