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The Fellows Primer

Overview of the Fellowship

The Academy’s most distinctive feature is its membership of nearly 1,000 Fellow. These Fellows are public managers and scholars, business executives and labor leaders, current and former cabinet officers, members of Congress, governors, mayors, state legislators, and diplomats. Individually, Fellows provide unparalleled insight and experience. Collectively, they are the Academy’s primary vehicle for addressing current and emerging issues and contributing to the intellectual and popular discourse on government. Fellows elect new members of the Academy each year.

Fellows are elected to the Academy on the following criteria, per the bylaws:

  1. significant administrative experience with evidence of sufficiently broad interests and reflective nature to interpret experience in a meaningful way, or
  2. substantial scholarly contributions to public administration, or
  3. other significant experience in the field of public administration and evidence of capacity and desire to contribute to it,
  4. adherence to the highest ethical standards; and
  5. willingness and ability to participate in and contribute to the work of the Corporation.” (Per the Academy’s Bylaws, Article iv, Section 1(a))

Process of becoming a Fellow:

Current Fellows nominate candidates in the Spring of every year. A Fellows Nominating Committee reviews all nominations and determines which candidates will be voted on by the current Fellowship. A candidate must receive 35% of the vote to be inducted at the Academy's Fall Meeting, which is normally in November of every year.

Fellows Participation Guidelines

Participation in the Academy's work is a requisite of membership, and Fellows provide their experience and knowledge on a largely pro bono basis. The Academy Bylaws state that one criterion for election as an Academy Fellow is "...willingness and ability to participate in and contribute to the work of the Corporation."

Fellows may participate in Academy work by serving on:

  1. Academy Boards and Committees

Time involvement varies by Committee. For example, the Board meets five times a year whereas the Directors Nominating Committee will meet only one time. Board of Directors (3-year term)

  • Nominating Committee for New Fellows (2-year term)
  • Directors Nominating Committee (2-year term)
  • Investment Committee (1-year term)
  • Finance Committee (2-year term)
  • Audit Committee (3-year term)
  • Membership Committee (2-year term)
  1. Standing and other Permanent Panels

These panels provide a focus for the development of Academy initiatives and monitor developments in the field of public administration. Six such panels are:

  • Standing Panel on Executive Organization and Management
  • Standing Panel on International Affairs
  • Standing Panel on Intergovernmental Systems
  • Standing Panel on the Public Service
  • Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance
  • Standing Panel on Technology Leadership
  1. Project Panels

These panels conduct studies under contract with government agencies or with the support of foundations, corporations, and associations. Participation on project panels includes developing a project plan, reviewing its progress, and review and approval of the final report. Each project entails 4 to 5 meetings of not more than a few hours, typically virtually. If in-person meetings are required, travel for out-of-town Fellows and an honorarium of $400 for each day in attendance are provided

  1. Seminar and Symposia Programs

Through these programs, the Academy shares the results of studies and sponsors issue-oriented symposia and workshops to improve the quality of government.

  1. Scholarship and Awards Committees

Fellows are asked to participate in evaluating candidates for the awards and proposing the winners.

  • The Herbert Roback Scholarship provides financial assistance toward pursuing a career in the public service.
  • The Louis Brownlow Book Award is presented annually to an author who has made an outstanding original contribution to public administration literature.
  • George Graham Award for Exceptional Service to the Academy
  • The National Public Service Award recognizes individuals who made major contributions to the public service.
  1. Special Projects

From time to time, depending on issues that arise, meetings are called of Academy Fellows with relevant backgrounds to discuss particular issues of the day and propose an Academy response. These meetings are very often one-time events lasting 3-4 hours. Academy projects may develop from some of these sessions.

  1. Congressional Testimony