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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

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Sylvester Murray

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About Standing Panels

The purpose of the Academy's Standing Panels is to convene thought leaders around six specific areas critical to the success of public administration.


Joint Meeting of the Standing Panel on International Affairs and Africa Working Group

April 02, 2021
Friday, April 2, 2021, 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Eastern Time PROGRAM: COVID-19 RESIDUALS: How...

Africa Working Group Meeting

February 04, 2019
Please join us for the next Africa Working Group meeting on Friday, February 22nd from...

Call for Abstracts: Bridging the Gap Between Gender Responsive Budgeting and Participatory Budgeting

June 29, 2018
Introduction Two government budget initiatives that have been implemented in countries around the world since...

Meet and Greet with IREX’s Mandela Fellows

June 15, 2018
The Africa Working Group of NAPA's International Standing Panel will host the Public Management Track...

Standing Panel Information

May 23, 2018
To learn more about the Academy's Standing Panels and how to get involved, contact Kaitlyn...