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Missile Defense Study



The Department of Defense (DoD) contracted with the Academy for an independent study of the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Defense components related to missile defense. Pursuant to the FY2022 NDAA Section 1675, the Secretary and the Academy entered into an agreement by which the Academy carried out a study regarding the roles and responsibilities of the various components of the Department of Defense as they pertain to Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD).


The study includes:

  • A comprehensive assessment and analysis of existing Department component roles and responsibilities for the full range of IAMD activities, including the establishment of requirements, research and development, system acquisition, and operations and sustainment.
  • Identification of gaps in component capability of each applicability component for performing its assigned IAMD roles and responsibilities.
  • Identification of opportunities for deconflicting mission sets, eliminating areas of unnecessary duplication, reducing waste, and improving efficiency across the full range of IAMD activities.
  • Development of a timetable for the implementation of the opportunities identified above.
  • Development of recommendations for such legislative or administrative action as the Academy considers appropriate pursuant to developing analysis of the above.

The Academy assembled a five-member Panel of Academy Fellows to oversee and guide this study.

Click the button below to view the Final Report.

Final Report


The Academy offered 3 recommendations:

  • The Deputy Secretary of Defense, or the component designated as missile defense integrator, should regularly document through an instruction regarding missile defense roles and responsibilities to provide transparency to Congress.
  • The Department should be prepared to take on more acquisition risk and the Deputy Secretary of Defense should consider further restoring (beyond the February 2023 A&S/R&E agreement) MDA’s flexibilities within standard processes for acquisition that were in place prior to the Directive Type Memorandum (DTM) 20-002. In addition, the Deputy Secretary of Defense should examine other processes, such as testing, failure review boards, and the CPMR that could cause delays.
  • The Deputy Secretary should designate an existing organization or create a new one to serve as an enterprise-level missile defense integrator for the purposes of improving speed and agility, coordination, and clarity and unity of purpose. To achieve these desired outcomes, the missile defense integrator should have the several resources, authorities, and characteristics further described in the report.


If you have any questions or comments regarding the study, please contact, Brenna Isman, Director of Academy Studies (

Study Fellows