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Montgomery County Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF) Fee Structure Implementation Assessment



The Montgomery County (Maryland) Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF) is a self-sustaining enterprise fund that acts as an intermediary in renting many county facilities (schools, libraries, recreational, administrative, and community facilities). CUPF issues permits to commercial entities, community organizations, and public agencies, allowing them to utilize county facilities for various activities. CUPF has been fully self-supporting since 1985 and depends upon user revenue to cover administrative operating costs and reimbursements.


The National Academy of Public Administration subcontracted with Quality Metrics to help them assess the CUPF fee structure and advise CUPF on how best to update it.

The Academy will provide support to Quality Metrics by

  • Forming an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) of Fellows to provide strategic advice and guidance over the course of the engagement,
  • Coordinating and leading the EAG activities,
  • Helping to conduct and review interviews/surveys of surrounding jurisdictions that charge user fees for comparable government facilities,
  • Reviewing focus group and interview guides and notes,
  • Helping to understand how local governments calculate, attribute, and recover Operating and Maintenance (O&M) costs,
  • Reviewing draft summary of stakeholder engagement and research regarding assumptions and expectations for fees and
  • Providing strategic advice and review of the final report.

Click the button below to view the Project Overview.

Project Overview


Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Title 5, Appendix 2, § 15, NAPA is required to provide public notice of the names and brief biographies of appointed study panel members and provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to comment on such appointments. Any concerns about the prospective Expert Advisory Group members should be directed to Joe Mitchell, Director of Strategic Initiatives (

View the language of the Act.

Study Fellows