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National Agenda for the Support of Intergovernmental Research - 2006

It is clear from the tragedies that unfolded as a result of Hurricane Katrina that the intergovernmental system needs to work more efficiently and work well for all.

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View Report

Key Findings

However, this study effort uncovered a genuine concern among practitioners and researchers that sufficient time and attention are not being invested to make sure the intergovernmental system does in fact work in a coordinated manner. The main findings of this study serve as a guide for the future enhancement of the existing intergovernmental system.


These findings include:

  • Major policy and program problems occur if decision-makers do not pay attention to the intergovernmental system. Policy and implementation can be more successful when intergovernmental research is known, utilized and heeded.
  • There are major trends at work that have intergovernmental dimensions and will cause changes at an accelerating pace: (1) aging of our population; (2) advances in technologies, particularly information technology and communications; (3) increasing globalization of capital, labor, and exchange marketplaces; and (4) future instability in the federal budget
  • The capacity to perform studies, polling, and other data collections is inadequate and insufficient to serve public administration leaders at all levels. It is difficult to find and utilize the data and research that are available.
  • The gaps in capacity and attention need to be closed.

Study Fellows