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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

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United States Office of Personnel Management Independent Assessment


Section 1112(b) of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization (NDAA) Act directed the Director of OPM to contract with the National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) to conduct a comprehensive, independent study that addresses a series of specific questions surrounding OPM’s responsibilities. These included:

  • the statutory and non-statutory functions assigned to OPM and the challenges associated with executing those mandates;
  • the means, options, and recommended course of actions for addressing the challenges identified, including feasibility, costs, and benefits;
  • a timetable for the implementation of identified options and recommendations;
  • the statutory or regulatory changes needed to execute the recommendations;
  • the methods for engaging with other Federal entities potentially affected by recommendations involving change to OPM’s structure, functions, responsibilities, and authorities; and
  • the views of identified stakeholders, including federal and non-federal entities or organizations representing customers and beneficiaries.

This was a twelve-month project. The Academy formed a five-member Panel of Academy Fellows to provide guidance on the study methodology and the development of findings and recommendations.

Click the button below to view the Final Report.

Final Report

Click the button below to view the Summary Slides.

Summary Slides


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) was created by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 to serve as the chief human resource (HR) and personnel policy management agency for the federal government. In that role, OPM provides HR leadership and support to federal agencies in enterprise HR management to achieve a trusted and effective civilian workforce. Key functions are executed by program offices organized around several broad functional categories including human capital management leadership, benefits, and vetting. Specifically, OPM develops government-wide HR policies and programs, directs a variety of HR services and products, oversees a merit-based and inclusive hiring process, administers retirement benefits, manages healthcare and insurance programs, and provides a variety of investigative products and services such as suitability determinations.


If you have any questions or comments regarding the study, please contact, Brenna Isman, Director of Academy Studies, at

Study Fellows