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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Academy Class of 2020 Spotlight: Theresa Gullo

Teri has made enormous contributions to CBO’s work for the Congress for more than three decades. She began as an analyst, preparing dozens of cost estimates a year for proposed legislation involving natural resources. Teri was then chosen to be the first chief of CBO’s State and Local Government Cost Estimates Unit, which was responsible for implementing a new law (the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act) that required CBO to analyze federal mandates that legislation would impose on other levels of government. In 2008, Teri was appointed Deputy Assistant Director for Budget Analysis, and she played a critical role in guiding the Budget Analysis Division—CBO’s largest, with one-third of the agency’s staff. After serving in that position with distinction, Teri was promoted to the position of Assistant Director for Budget Analysis and is now responsible for supervising the division’s work.

Read Ms. Gullo's full spotlight here.

									 Teri Gullo
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