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Academy Fall Meeting 2017 Agenda

The National Academy of Public Administration will conduct its annual Fall Meeting on November 16-17, 2017 at the Doubletree Crystal City hotel located at 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, Virginia. The theme is “Governing Across the Divide.” Click here to read the agenda.

The Academy’s Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, November 15th from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the Academy offices at 1600 K St., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC. All Fellows are welcome to attend. Additionally, the Standing Panel on Executive Organization and Management will host an session entitled, “Office of Management and Budget Data and Analytics” from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. At 5:00 p.m., a book event discussing Fellow Mark Pisano’s recent book entitled, The Puzzle of the American Economy, will be held followed by a reception. The above events will take place at the Academy suite at 1600 K St., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC. Please note the entrance to the building is located on 16th Street.

Thank you to those who have already registered. For those wishing to register, please (Register Here). We ask that all Fellows attending any Fall Meeting functions, including the Webb Lecture, the Induction of New Fellows, Standing Panels and/or the 50th Anniversary Dinner, register and include the associated fees. Attendees are asked to make their own lodging arrangements either at the Doubletree Hotel or at a local hotel of their choice. Reservations for the Doubletree can be made by visiting or by calling 1-800-HILTONS and mention group code *NAP* (Academy Fall Meeting). The hotel room rate per night is $199.00 plus tax. Please reserve rooms before October 20th, 2017. Also attached is a hard-copy Registration Form if you do not wish to register online. We look forward to your participation in the Academy’s Fall Meeting.

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