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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Fellow Spotlight: Anna Michelle Snyder

Anna Michelle Snyder Worked as a career civil servant for more than 40 years. Positions included claims representative and branch manager for the SSA, budget examiner at DHHS, DCFO /CFO for the Centers for Medicaid/Medicare Services (CMS), DCOO /COO for CMS and Acting Deputy Administrator, Associate Administrator for Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPO) at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) overseeing Health Centers across the country.

Who or what inspired you to enter into public service?

A close family friend worked in State government and he advised me “to give working for the government a chance.” I was then fortunate to have an internship on the Hill which made clear what an opportunity working for the government was – a chance to make a difference in many ways.

What advice would you give to those interested in pursuing public policy or public administration as a career?

You have an obligation to present all the options to the decision makers and a personal responsibility to understand legal and ethical boundaries – and not to cross them!

What area of public policy interests you the most and why?

I spent the bulk of my career in health care policy and implementation and those areas still interest me. Finding a way to make health care more accessible and affordable for all Americans is a job that is far from complete. Also long-term care policies and affordability is a long-unaddressed issue that is getting more urgent by the day.

What is your favorite cuisine?

The wonderful food of Italy – rich in pasta, fish, and vegetables can’t be beat – and don’t forget the expresso and gelato!!

What is your favorite hobby or activity that you enjoy doing in your free time?

Traveling and experiencing the cultures of other countries. I have made it to most of the continents – except Antarctica – and hope to be making return visits in the near future.

Who in your life has been an influential mentor or inspiration for you?

In my 40-plus year career I was privileged to work with many dedicated and savvy civil servants. Four in particular – Nancy Ann Min-Deparle and Kerry Weems – both Administrators at DHHS/CMS, Steven Pelovitz, COO/CMS and Keith Fontenot an OMB manager all gave me good advice and counsel along my career path.

What was your dream job as a child?

I had hoped to be a field veterinarian working in the natural habitats of wild animals especially elephants.

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