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Justice, Fairness, Inclusion, and Performance.

Discussing the IGS's COVID-19 Working Group Paper

April 05, 2022

Wednesday, April 13, 2022; 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EST

The COVID-19 pandemic offers an unprecedented opportunity to examine federalism in action. To better understand the strengths and vulnerabilities of the intergovernmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Academy of Public Administration convened the COVID-19 Working Group on the Intergovernmental Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Spring of 2021. The Working Group developed actionable recommendations in four areas that may facilitate the nation’s response to this pandemic and future pandemics: testing for COVID-19; non-pharmaceutical interventions for infection risk reduction, vaccine distribution, and cross-cutting and over-arching issues.

The Working Group’s report offers an independent perspective on how well the intergovernmental public health and human service systems and our decentralized and distributed governance structure protected and provided for the general welfare of the populace. The Working Group provides over three dozen recommendations that provide a starting point for evaluating the response to a major public health crisis and for improving responses to future pandemics.

We will be hearing from the co-chairs of the Working Group, Dr. Ken Kizer and Prof. Rich Callahan, as well as some of the Working Group members, Dr. Georges Benjamin, Dr. John Kirlin, and Lauren Larson as they discuss the findings of their report.


The Panelists

Georges Benjamin

Georges Benjamin

John Kirlin

Lauren Larson


Rich Callahan

Ken Kizer