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Reginald Wells


Reginald Wells profile headshot
Reginald F. Wells was named Deputy Commissioner of the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Office of Human Resources effective July 15, 2002 after serving short tenures as Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability Program Policy and Senior Advisor in the Office of Disability and Income Security Programs. Dr. Wells also serves as the Chief Human Capital Officer for SSA. In his capacity as Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources, Dr. Wells oversees a staff complement of 400 employees with an operating budget of $100 million. Dr. Wells served as Deputy Commissioner of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities from October 1994 to April 2002. He shared with the Commissioner full responsibility for planning and directing 25 federal staff and programmatic activities, including the University Centers, Developmental Disabilities Councils, Protection and Advocacy Systems and Projects of National Significance with a program budget of over $122 million. From October 1997 to May 1998, Dr. Wells served as the Acting Commissioner of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities in the United States Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families (ACF). Prior to his appointment in the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Dr. Wells had 10 years of extensive public sector experience with the District of Columbia’s (D.C.) Department of Human Services.

History of Employment

Executive in Residence
American University
Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources
U.S. Social Security Administration
Deputy Commissioner for the Administration on Developmental Disability
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Chief Human Capital Officer
U.S. Social Security Administration
Chief Diversity Officer
U.S. Social Security Administration
Deputy Associate Commissioner for Disability Program Policy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Senior Advisor to the Deputy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Commissioner for Disability and Income Security Programs
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Deputy Commissioner
Commission on Social Services
District of Columbia
Deputy Administrator/Acting Chief
Bureau of Community Services
Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Administration
Bureau of Habilitation Services
Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Administration
Division Director
Geriatrics Center
Department of Health & Rehabilitation, County of Essex, NJ
Deputy Department Director for Planning and Development
Department of Health & Rehabilitation, County of Essex, NJ
Chief of Program Monitoring and Evaluation
Department of Health & Rehabilitation, County of Essex, NJ
Research Associate
National Center on Black Aged
Primary Sector of Expertise


Management Matters Podcast

Grand Challenge: Make Government AI Ready

Building an AI Ready Workforce with Alan Shark, Kimberly Walton, and Reginald Wells

Season: 1 Episode:188 | November 27, 2023

Show Notes:

In this episode of Management Matters we host part 3 of the Academy-GovExec TV series on Artificial Intelligence featuring Academy Fellows, Alan Shark, Kimberly Walton, and Reginald Wells moderated by GovExec's George Jackson. This third episode focuses on how public sector leaders can grow an AI-ready workforce both through retraining the current workforce and growing the next generation of workers.

Support the Podcast Today at: or 202-347-3190

Music Credits: Sea Breeze by Vlad Gluschenko |
Music promoted by
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