Budget and Finance, Civic Engagement, Defense, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Energy, Federal Hiring and Position Classification , Government Operations/Innovation, Homeland Security, Intergovernmental System/Federalism, Intergovernmental Affairs and Coordination, National Security, Oversight/Regulation, Veterans Affairs
Budgeting and Finance, Communications and Marketing, Change Management, Human Capital, Intergovernmental, Military Service, Nonprofit / NGO leadership, Organizational Structure/Design/Development, Performance Measurement, State Government, Strategic Planning
Show Notes:
In this episode, we welcome Academy Fellow Joel Spangenberg, Acting Director of the Selective Service System (SSS), to discuss SSS' mission to contribute to the nation's military forces, its potential to support other types of public service, and its transformation into a more agile agency.
The participation of Mr. Spangenberg, Acting Director of the Selective Service, in this National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) podcast does not suggest an endorsement of the Academy or Academy services and products.
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Music Credits: Sea Breeze by Vlad Gluschenko | https://soundcloud.com/vgl9
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.c...
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