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Grand Challenge

Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement

Management Matters Podcast

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Tools for Modern Intergovernmental Governance with Dr. Naim Kapucu and Dr. Nancy Augustine

Fellow: Nancy Augustine, Naim Kapucu

Season: 1 Episode:171 | July 31, 2023

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Naim Kapucu, Pegasus Professor of Public Administration and Policy at the University of Central Florida (UCF) and Academy Fellow, and Dr. Nancy Augustine, Director of the Academy's Center for...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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The Impacts of Public Engagement in Atlanta with Lisa Benjamin (COO City of Atlanta)

Fellow: Lisa Benjamin

Season: 1 Episode:170 | July 24, 2023

In this episode, we welcome Lisa Benjamin, Chief Operating Officer for the City of Atlanta and Academy Fellow, to discuss the role of public engagement in creating and implementing policy, the method of building a...

Grand Challenge: Connect Individuals to Meaningful Work Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Local Government 2030 with Kim Nelson (Univ. North Carolina) and Julia Novak (Raftelis)

Fellow: Kimberly Nelson

Season: 1 Episode:150 | February 27, 2023

On this episode, we welcome Kim Nelson, Professor of Public Administration and Government at UNC Chapel Hill and Academy Fellow, and Julia Novak, Executive VP for Management Consulting at Raftelis, to discuss the Local Government...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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The Future of Agile Government with Ed DeSeve, Coordinator of the Agile Government Center

Fellow: G. Edward DeSeve

Season: 1 Episode:143 | January 09, 2023

On this episode, we welcome Ed DeSeve, Coordinator of the Academy's Agile Government Center, to discuss his new report, The Future of Agile Government, and how agile principles can apply to the development and implementation...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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MM Rewind: American Leadership Through Engagement with Jane Lute

Fellow: Jane Lute

Season: 1 Episode:141 | December 26, 2022

Originally Aired on January 4, 2021On this episode, we welcome Jane Lute, CEO of Sicpa North America, former Deputy Secretary of DHS and Academy Fellow, to discuss the value of American engagement in global affairs...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Building Capacity: A Look Back at the First Year of the Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships with Bob O'Neill and Dr. Nancy Augustine

Fellow: Robert O'Neill

Season: 1 Episode:125 | September 05, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Bob O'Neill, Member of the Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships (CIP) Executive Committee and Academy Fellow and Dr. Nancy Augustine, Director of the CIP to discuss the intergovernmental challenges the US...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Public Governance and Engagement Challenges in City Government with TC Broadnax

Fellow: TC Broadnax

Season: 1 Episode:118 | July 18, 2022

On this episode, we welcome TC Broadnax, City Manager of Dallas, Texas and Academy Fellow, to discuss his journey in public service, engagement with the public at the local level, and collaboration across sectors and...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Developing Governance Models in Maryland with Clarence Crawford

Fellow: Clarence Crawford

Season: 1 Episode:117 | July 08, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Clarence Crawford, Member of the Maryland State Board of Education and Academy Fellow, to discuss his journey in public service, finding intergovernmental solutions at Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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MM Rewind: The Emergence of New Models of Public Governance with John Kamensky

Fellow: John Kamensky

Season: 1 Episode:116 | July 04, 2022

Originally Aired: July 5, 2021On this Management Matters Rewing episode, we welcome John Kamensky, Emeritus Senior fellow at the IBM Center for the business of government and Academy Fellow, to discuss how the federal government...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Agile Regulation: Gateway to the Future with Michael Fitzpatrick

Fellow: Michael Fitzpatrick

Season: 1 Episode:114 | June 20, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Michael Fitzpatrick, Director of Global Strategy & Innovation at Google and Academy Fellow, to discuss the new Academy report on Agile Regulation, the need for innovative regulatory methods in today's...

Grand Challenge: Build Resilient Communities Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Intergovernmental Dimensions of the COVID-19 Responses and Consequences with Rich Callahan and Dr. Ken Kizer

Fellow: Richard Callahan, Kenneth Kizer

Season: 1 Episode:101 | April 18, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Dr. Ken Kizer and Rich Callahan, Academy Fellows who spearheaded the Intergovernmental Standing Panel's report on the intergovernmental aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, to discuss the findings and recommendations of...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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*Crossover Episode with GovExec Daily* A More Collaborative Intergovernmental System

Fellow: Teresa Gerton

Season: 1 Episode:75 | October 11, 2021

On this episode, Terry Gerton, President and CEO of the Academy, Academy Fellow, and host of Management Matters, sits down with the GovExec Daily podcast to discuss the importance of intergovernmental collaboration and the Academy's...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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The Concept of Digital Government with Theresa Pardo

Fellow: Theresa Pardo

Season: 1 Episode:64 | July 26, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Theresa Pardo, Associate Vice President for Research with responsibility for the institutes, centers, and laboratories at the University of Albany State University of New York and Academy Fellow, to discuss...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Reshaping the Role of Public Governance in the Age of Agility with David Warm

Fellow: David Warm

Season: 1 Episode:63 | July 19, 2021

On this episode, we welcome David Warm, Executive Director of the Mid-America Regional Council and Academy Fellow, to discuss agile governance, the Council's role in merging consensus, and increasing capacity to deliver services. ...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Bringing Others to the Table through Public Engagement with Tina Nabatchi

Fellow: Tina Nabatchi

Season: 1 Episode:62 | July 12, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Tina Nabatchi, Joseph A Strasser endowed professor of public administration, professor of public administration at the Maxwell School of International Affairs, Director of the Program for the Advancement of Research...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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The Emergence of New Models of Public Governance with John Kamensky

Fellow: John Kamensky

Season: 1 Episode:61 | July 05, 2021

On this episode, we welcome John Kamensky, Emeritus Senior fellow at the IBM Center for the business of government and Academy Fellow, to discuss how the federal government can capitalize on a variety of new...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Reviewing the Academy's Assessment on OPM with Peter Levine

Fellow: Peter Levine

Season: 1 Episode:46 | March 22, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Peter Levine, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Defense Analyses, Academy Fellow, and a panel member on the Academy's Office of Personnel Management Independent Assessment, to discuss the findings and...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Bettering the Federalist System through Data with Dr. John Bartle, Jamie Boex, and Tom Shoop

Fellow: John Bartle, Jamie Boex, Tom Shoop

Season: 1 Episode:38 | January 25, 2021

In this episode, we welcome Academy Fellows Dr. John Bartle, Dean of the College of Public Affairs and Community Service at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Jamie Boex, Senior Fellow at the Duke Center...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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The Presidential Transition Process with Chris Lu

Fellow: Christopher Lu

Season: 1 Episode:37 | January 18, 2021

In this episode, we welcome Chris Lu, Senior Fellow of the University of Virginia's Miller Center, former Deputy Secretary of Labor, and Academy Fellow, to discuss the presidential transition process, the confirmation process of political...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Increasing the Agility of the Federal Government with Ed DeSeve, Angela Evans, and Joe Mitchell

Fellow: G. Edward DeSeve, Angela Evans

Season: 1 Episode:34 | December 14, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Academy Fellows, Ed DeSeve, Coordinator of the Agile Government Center, and Angela Evans, Dean of the University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs, as well as Joe Mitchell, Academy...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Emerging Practices in Public Governance with Dr. Kirk Emerson

Fellow: Kirk Emerson

Season: 1 Episode:12 | July 27, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Kirk Emerson, Professor of Practice in Collaborative Governance at the University of Arizona and Academy Fellow, to discuss achieving goals through collaborative governance, the suitability of collaboration at different...

Grand Challenge: Develop New Approaches to Public Governance and Engagement
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Intergovernmental Aspects of Re-opening After COVID-19 with Beth Kellar

Fellow: Elizabeth Kellar

Season: 1 Episode:7 | June 29, 2020

In this episode we welcome Beth Kellar, Deputy Executive Director of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and Academy Fellow, to discuss the intergovernmental aspects of re-opening after COVID-19. With guest Beth Kellar, Deputy Executive...

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