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Grand Challenge

Foster Social Equity

Management Matters Podcast

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in International Aid Organizations with Shiro Gnanaselvam

Fellow: Shiro Gnanaselvam

Season: 1 Episode:194 | January 08, 2024

In this episode, we welcome Academy Fellow, Shiro Gnanaselvam, CEO of Social Impact to discuss bringing DEI principles and effective management into large organizations, particularly those distributing aid on a global scale. The discussion includes...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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The H. George Frederickson Memorial Lecture Panel Discussion from the 2023 Social Equity Leadership Conference

Fellow: Teresa Gerton, Susan Gooden, Norton Bonaparte, Marcia Conner, DeAngela Burns-Wallace

Season: 1 Episode:167 | June 26, 2023

In this episode, we air the panel response to the inaugural H. George Frederickson Memorial Lecture from the 2023 Social Equity Leadership Conference. The panel, hosted by Terry Gerton, included, Dean Susan Gooden of the...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Improving DEIA at the City Level with Michael Rogers (Interim City Manager, Charlottesville, VA)

Fellow: Michael Rogers

Season: 1 Episode:166 | June 19, 2023

In this episode, we welcome Michael Rogers, Interim City Manager for the City of Charlottesville and Academy Fellow, to discuss his interest in the specific challenges city managers face, the most useful tools he uses...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Academy Study: 2022 DEI Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service with Thelma Harris

Fellow: Thelma Harris

Season: 1 Episode:135 | November 14, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Thelma Harris, President & CEO of Hite Consulting, Inc., Expert Advisory Group member of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service Comprehensive Equity Assessment, and Academy Fellow, to discuss general...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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The Role of City Managers in Fostering Social Equity with Norton Bonaparte

Fellow: Norton Bonaparte

Season: 1 Episode:115 | June 27, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Norton Bonaparte, City Manager of Sanford, Florida and Academy Fellow, to discuss his journey in public service, the different roles of city managers, and how city managers can help foster...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Scaling Social Equity Solutions with Gail Christopher

Fellow: Gail Christopher

Season: 1 Episode:113 | June 13, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Gail Christopher, Executive Director at the National Collaborative for Health Equity and Academy Fellow, to discuss her framework for social equity, how the US can scale successful social equity solutions...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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2022 Social Equity Leadership Conference Preview with Richard Greggory Johnson III

Fellow: Richard Greggory Johnson III

Season: 1 Episode:112 | June 06, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Richard Greggory Johnson III, tenured Full Professor & Department Chair for the Department of Public and Nonprofit Administration, School of Management, University of San Francisco and Academy Fellow, to discuss...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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DEIA in Public Service with Kim Walton

Fellow: Kimberly Walton

Season: 1 Episode:109 | May 16, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Kim Walton, Former Executive Assistant Administrator of Transportation Security Administration and Academy Fellow to discuss her lessons learned for implementing effective Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) policies and how...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity Grand Challenge: Public Service Spotlight
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Public Service Spotlight: Social Equity in Higher Education and Beyond with Freeman Hrabowski

Fellow: Freeman Hrabowski

Season: 1 Episode:95 | February 28, 2022

On this episode, we welcome Freeman Hrabowski, President University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Academy Fellow, to discuss his career in public administration, UMBC's innovative practices in higher education, and the role of universities and...

Grand Challenge: Advance the Nation's Fiscal Health Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Fall Meeting Preview: Intergovernmental Dimensions of Advancing the Economy, Health & Social Equity with Rich Callahan

Fellow: Richard Callahan

Season: 1 Episode:78 | November 01, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Rich Callahan, Professor at the University of San Francisco and Co-Director of the public health program. and Academy Fellow, to discuss the role of intergovernmental collaboration in solving public health...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Addressing Social Equity through Federal Procurement with Stan Soloway

Fellow: Stan Soloway

Season: 1 Episode:60 | June 28, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Stan Soloway, President and Founder of Celero Strategies and Academy Fellow, to discuss how the federal government can address the issue of racial wealth inequity through its procurement practices....

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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The Impacts of Social Equity on Health with Gail Christopher

Fellow: Gail Christopher

Season: 1 Episode:59 | June 21, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Gail Christopher, Executive Director of the National Collaborative of Health Equity and Academy Fellow, to discuss her career in public administration and how social equity affects public health....

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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How Mayors Promote Social Equity with Sharon Sayles-Belton

Fellow: Sharon Sayles-Belton

Season: 1 Episode:58 | June 14, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Sharon Sayles-Belton, Vice President of Community Relations and Government Affairs of Thomas Reuters, Former Mayor of Minneapolis, and Academy Fellow, to discuss her career in public administration and the different...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Michael Massiah

Fellow: Michael Massiah

Season: 1 Episode:57 | June 07, 2021

On this episode, we welcome Michael Massiah, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Academy Fellow, to discuss his career at the Port Authority, its plan...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Special Edition: Utilizing Technology to Foster Social Equity with Dan Chenok

Fellow: Daniel Chenok

Season: 1 Episode:18 | August 21, 2020

In this special edition, we welcome Dan Chenok, Executive Director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government and Academy Fellow, to discuss utilizing technology and Artificial Intelligence to foster social equity and the...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Special Edition: How Businesses Foster Social Equity with Marcus Peacock

Fellow: Marcus Peacock

Season: 1 Episode:16 | August 14, 2020

In this special edition, we welcome Marcus Peacock, Chief Operating Officer at the Business Roundtable and Academy Fellow, to discuss how businesses commit to fostering social equity.Music Credits: Sea Breeze by Vlad Gluschenko |

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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COVID-19, Social Equity Considerations & Re-opening at the Local Level with Lee Feldman

Fellow: Lee Feldman

Season: 1 Episode:6 | June 22, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Lee Feldman, City Manager of Gainesville, Florida, and Academy Fellow, to discuss COVID-19 social equity considerations and re-opening from the local perspective. With guest Lee Feldman, City Manager of Gainesville...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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COVID-19, Social Equity Considerations and Re-opening in Louisiana with Dr. Courtney Phillips

Fellow: Courtney Phillips

Season: 1 Episode:4 | June 15, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Courtney Phillips, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Academy Fellow, to discuss COVID-19 social equity considerations and the Re-opening of Louisiana. With guest Dr. Courtney Phillips, Secretary...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Special Edition - Social Equity, the Pandemic, and the Police (with Fellow Susan Gooden)

Fellow: Susan Gooden

Season: 1 Episode:3 | June 10, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Susan T. Gooden, Dean of the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, and Academy Fellow, to discuss the social equity implications of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and its...

Grand Challenge: Foster Social Equity
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Understanding the Public Health System with Dr. Georges Benjamin

Fellow: Georges Benjamin

Season: 1 Episode:2 | June 07, 2020

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Georges Benjamin, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association and Academy Fellow, to discuss the public health system and related social equity issues during COVID-19. With guest Dr...

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